St. Anne Line

St. Anne Line

Discreet Nurturer 1565–1601

Patronage Strong Willed Women, Sneaks, Widows, & Converts

Feast Day February 27

Scholars believe that Shakespeare wrote his poem “The Phoenix and the Turtle” in honor of Anne and her husband Roger, who lived their faith boldly during a dangerous time for Catholics in England. After Roger's death, Anne housed, financed, and protected many priests in England, leading to her death. Before they hanged her she said, “My only regret is that I didn’t save more priests.”

Small Snippet

Saint Anne, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may courageously live out my faith, especially when I feel self-conscious about what I believe.


Artistic Process

I referenced an assortment of images to make sure Anne had the proper clothing of an English woman, while honoring the rare saintly images of her. Finding a chair that felt old and intricate enough to resemble the wooden chair she was hanged in was a challenge.

Inspiration References

I rarely have an opportunity to have a pigeon stand still for my camera, and this one was perfect. The African violets and Peace Lily were taken in a friends parents’ home.

Flower Photos