Silent Sleepers
St. Alexander of Jerusalem
St. Alexander of Jerusalem
Gutsy Librarian c. 200–251
Patronage Libraries & Reading
Feast Day March 18
St. Cajetan Di Thiene
St. Cajetan Di Thiene
Skillful Job Hunter 1480–1547
Patronage The Unemployed, Job Seekers, Work & Gambling
Feast Day August 7
St. Charbel Makhlouf
St. Charbel Makhlouf
Subtle Spirit 1828–1898
Patronage Lebanon, Shyness, Stomach Ulcers, Back Problems, & Throat Cancer Quietness & Sickness
Feast Day July 24
St. Jean Vianney
St. Jean Vianney
Cure D'Ars 1786 – 1859
Patronage Priests, Confession, & Vintage Revival
Feast Day August 4
St. Justin of Nablus
St. Justin of Nablus
Inquisitive Soul c. 100–165
Patronage Poetry, Education, Philosophy & Truth Seekers
Feast Day June 1
St. Nathaniel (Bartholomew)
St. Nathaniel (Bartholomew)
Skinless Hero d. 1 cent.
Patronage Acne, Diseases of the Skin & Butchers
Feast Day August 24
St. Jesús Méndez-Montoya
St. Jesús Méndez-Montoya
Musical Martyr 1880 – 1928
Patronage Mexico, Music, Choirs, & Music Ministry
Feast Day May 21
Is there a sleeper you think belongs here?
Reach out and let me know!