Earth Shakers St. Dominic de Guzmán St. Dominic de Guzmán St. Dominic de Guzmán Cards Prints Cosmic Visionary 1170–1221Patronage Astronomy, The Rosary, Preaching, & TrailblazersFeast Day August 8 Artistic Process St. Kim Taegõn Andrew St. Kim Taegõn Andrew St. Kim Taegõn Andrew Cards Prints Courageous Leader 1821–1846Patronage Korea, Leadership, Adventure, & Korean PriestsFeast Day September 20 Artistic Process St. Óscar Romero St. Óscar Romero St. Óscar Romero Cards Prints Resolute Hero 1917–1980Patronage El Salvador, Ruffling Feathers, & Persecuted ChristiansFeast Day March 24 Artistic Process St. Teresa of Calcutta St. Teresa of Calcutta St. Teresa of Calcutta Cards Prints Mother of the Gutters 1910 – 1997 Patronage World Changers, Simplicity, Trust, and the Missionaries of CharityFeast Day September 5 Artistic Process St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas St. Thomas Aquinas Cards Prints Otherworldly Brainiac1225–1274Patronage Service & VolunteersFeast Day September 27 Artistic Process St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Cards Prints Friend of the Poor 1581–1660Patronage Service & VolunteersFeast Day September 27 Artistic Process Missing an Earth Shaker? Let me know!