St. Anschar, Scharies

St. Anschar, Scharies

Light of the North 801–865

Patronage Scandinavia, Traveling, Boats, & Steadfast Faith

Feast Day February 3

As a boy, Anschar had a vision of his dead mother with Mary and Jesus. He was received by the Benedictine monks as a boy. Anschar grew up to become a monk and Nordic missionary. Although he spread the faith, most of the northern churches he established in Sweden, Norway and Germany were eventually abandoned.

Small Snippet

Saint Anschar, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may remember when I share my faith with someone, it is not up to me whether they turn to God.


Artistic Process

I found this on the public domain, and it’s always fun to put my spin on a roughed up statue.


I saw this sunset on the harbor in Boston, and since Anschar was a nordic missionary, he spent a considerable amount of time on the water.
