St. Boniface of England

St. Boniface of England

Tremendous Tree Slayer
c. 675–754

Patronage England, Germany, D-day, Confidence & Bold Moves

Feast Day June 5

Bishop Boniface was a persistent man. So much that he appealed to Pope Gregory II and was given jurisdiction over Germany. There, Boniface took an axe, strode up the square and slayed a sacred oak tree dedicated to the Norse god, Thor. Turning to the hushed crowd he said, “Where is your god?” Amazed that he wasn’t struck dead, some converted to the faith.

Small Snippet

Saint Boniface, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may courageously live with my faith. That I may be empowered to boldly shatter the lies when I see them blatantly told.


Artistic Process

I searched Lumberjack with Beard, Hat and Shirt swings the Ax on a Tree into shutterstock. I also took this stain glass photo in Washington D.C.

Inspiration Photos

Boniface cuts down holy oak of 'Jupiter' or Donar.

by Reinier Vinkeles, Christian Bernhard Rode

These flowers represent the work St. Boniface did to spread Christianity throughout Germany.


I originally thought these were German Lindens, but upon further research, learned they were not.

Ajuga reptans