Bl. Carlo Acutis

Bl. Carlo Acutis

Tech Wizard 1991–2006

Patronage Computers, Videogames, Web Design, & Technological Issues

Feast Day October 12

Carlo had a devotion to Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion, and was inspired to create a website that showcased the locations and stories of Communion Host miracles. He was an ordinary kid; he wore Nike sneakers, snorkeled, and played videogames. Carlo died of leukemia at age 15.

Small Snippet

Blessed Carlo, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may have the patience to calmly handle issues with technology and remain focused on the most important things.


Artistic Process

I found this image on Wikipedia. It is listed under the “Fair Use” copyright law. I couldn’t contact the original source user of this photo.

This was taken on a hike in Italy. Carlo loved to go outside with his friends.

Original Photo

Because Carlo had interest in web design, I drew inspiration from glitch art style. I find glitch art to be the most beautiful form of internet art. It has an elegance that memes and click bait thumbnails heavily omit. I chose to subtilely use these influences without impeding on identifying Carlo in the image.


I bought these flowers at Trader Joe’s during their Valentines’ day special. They were unique and I wish they lived longer than they did.

Cyclamen Flowers

These flowers also happen to be quite popular in Italy, which is where Carlo is from. I chose them to tie to his Italian heritage, but also because the purplish-pink color fit nicely with the colors.