Bl. Chiara Luce Badano

Bl. Chiara Luce Badano

Luminous Beacon 1971–1990

Patronage Youth, Joy, Tennis, & Cancer

Feast Day October 29

Chiara was nicknamed Luce because she shone with inner light. Chiara lived with joy, struggled in school, and played tennis. She was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer when she was sixteen years old. No matter the pain of the two-year battle with cancer, she never ceased to be a source of light and joy to others.

Small Snippet

Blessed Chiara, intercede to the Holy Ghost that even when I’m having a hard day, I may embrace my pain, struggles, and anxieties with joy.


Artistic Process

Original Photo

Found under fair use.


Wanted to integrate photography with delicate lines.

Yellow Orchids

Representing Chiara’s joy.