St. Christopher of Lycia
St. Christopher of Lycia
Gnarly Wave Rider d. c. 250
Patronage Travelers, Surfers, Transportation, & Storms
Feast Day July 25
Tradition tells of Christopher helping travelers cross a river because of his incredible height and strength. Once, he is said to have carried a small child across the river, feeling as though he carried the weight of the world. The child revealed himself as Christ. Christopher was martyred for the faith.
Small Snippet
Saint Christopher, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may trust in the Lord for safety as I travel, that I may be free from any harm.

Artistic Process
A friend of mine sent me a photo of this wood carved image that hung in her family-friends’ home. Despite being originally taken on an android phone, I was able to use the photo in the actual design.
Original Photo
I saw these waves at Acadia Park.
Taken driving along the coast of Maine. This plant is typically found growing in swampy, watery areas so it was a perfect fit for Christopher, who helped people cross rivers.
Smartweed Photo
Waterfall Shots
I set the shutterspeed to super quick.