St. Edith Stein
St. Edith Stein
Radically Loyal 1891–1942
Patronage Converts, Atheists, Writers & Loyalty
Feast Day August 9
Edith was born Jewish and a self-proclaimed atheist. As she navigated life, she found Teresa of Avila's autobiography, which inspired her to become a Catholic and eventually a Carmelite nun. She was arrested during World War II. A Dutch official offered her an escape before she was sent to prison, but she declined so as not to abandon the other prisoners, and was martyred.
Small Snippet
Saint Edith, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may embrace who I am, that no matter what escapes are offered, I will do what is right for me and those around me.
Artistic Process
I finding this image was fun because there are options for Edith Stein’s photos. I chose this one of her wearing a hat because I really wanted to show the ordinariness of her.
Original Photo
I chose these flowers for the composition. Edith came across as purple for the most part and I just wanted to give proper colors revolving around this theme.