St. Émilie de Vialar

St. Émilie de Vialar

Ambitious Businesslady

Patronage Toxic Living Situations, Small Businesses, Finances, Savings, & Debt

Feast Day June 17

As a young girl, Émilie lost her mother. The housekeeper tormented her and alienated her from her father, making life at home awful. As she left home, she received a large inheritance from her grandfather. She used it to found the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, with attention to caring for poor children. Émilie diligently ran the finances for the congregation.

Small Snippet

Saint Émilie, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may handle toxic relationships with boundaries and empathy for those who cause me harm.


Artistic Process


Émilie de Vialar's portrait, 19th cent

These Ragwort and Petunia flowers are from my mom’s garden.
