St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales
Humble Writer 1567 – 1622
Patronage Writers, Editors, Radio, Authors, Journalists, & Deaf People
Feast Day January 24
Bishop Francis de Sales was known for his spiritual writings, preaching and beliefs that anyone can live a devout life, in any stage of life. He humbly took many trips on foot. Francis’s gentle nature extended to developing a sign language with a young deaf person to communicate about the faith.
Small Snippet
Saint Francis, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may write with passion, drive, and truth as my foundation, and that I may love those who experience deafness.

Artistic Process
I took this at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Isle, Manorville, NY.
It was an intentional day of hunting for saint statues. I took a couple angles.
Inspiration References
When I met my supervisor to pick up a computer, I stopped and took photos of these trees. These symbolize when a dog chased Francis up a tree, which he slept in for a night.
Since St. Francis was known for his humility, I chose to add Bluebells, symbolizing humility.
The microphone and pen show his patronage of radio broadcasting and writing.
This was my first attempt at a design for Francis de Sales. The updated design keeps the same microphone within it.
Old Design