St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi
Preacher of the Birds 1181-1226
Patronage Ecology, Simplicity, Animals, Pets & Hippies
Feast Day October 4
Francis was not a priest, but a deacon. He had a gift with animals. Once, he stopped his friends to preach the gospel to a flock of birds sitting in the trees. When once a wolf attacked a village, Francis came to aid, and the wolf heeded his command. His way of life inspired the Franciscan order.
Small Snippet
Saint Francis, intercede to the Holy Ghost for protection of pets and animals around the world—and that I can care about the impact I have on animals I may never see.

Artistic Process
Bernardo Strozzi
1581 – 1644
St Francis of Assisi adoring the Crucifix
oil on canvas
Inspiration Painting
These hummingbirds were used as inspiration.
I took these photos in my neighborhood.
Rocktrumpet Flowers