Bl. Carlo Acutis

Bl. Carlo Acutis

Tech Wizard 1991 – 2006

Patronage Computers, Videogames, & Technological Issues

Feast Day October 12

Fun Fact

Carlo had a devotion to Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion, and was inspired to create a website that showcased the locations and stories of Communion Host miracles. He was an ordinary kid, wore Nike sneakers, snorkeled, and played videogames. Carlo died of leukemia at age 15.


Blessed Carlo, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may have the patience to calmly handle when I have issues with technology. Whether it’s bad WiFi, data service, the GPS, or the device doesn't work, that I won’t let it ruin my day.

Artistic Process

Original Photo

I found this image on Wikipedia. It is listed under the “Fair Use” copyright law. I couldn’t contact the original source user of this photo.

This was taken on a hike in Italy. Carlo loved to go outside with his friends.

Inspiration Images

Because Carlo had interest in web design, I drew inspiration from glitch art style. I find glitch art to be the most beautiful form of internet art. It has an elegance that memes and click bait thumbnails heavily omit. I chose to subtilely use these influences without impeding on identifying Carlo in the image.

Cyclamen Flower Photos

I bought these flowers at Trader Joe’s during their Valentine’s Day sale last year. They were meant to remind me of someone I loved at the time.

Additional Photos

These flowers also happen to be quite popular in Italy, which is where Carlo is from. I chose them to tie to his Italian heritage, but also because the purplish-pink color fit nicely with the colors.