St. Jane Frances de Chantel
St. Jane Frances de Chantel
Champion of Trauma
Patronage Mental Health, Depression, Issues with the In-Laws, Anxiety & Widows
Feast Day August 12
Jane Frances was a mother, wife, widow, and nun. Jane suffered from serious loss after her husband’s death. She had mental anxiety, depression, spiritual dryness, and tons of darkness, yet remained cheerful. Her health and age prevented her from entering a convent, so she cofounded the Sisters of the Visitation with St. Francis de Sales.
Small Snippet
Saint Jane, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may never let my intrusive, deceitful thoughts turn me away from the light. That I may remain steadfast and faithful to the truth of my reality.
Artistic Process
I was drawn to make Jane Frances from earlier in her life. She was a wealthy French woman, so I wanted to make sure that came across.
Inspiration References
Hydrangeas and Geranium flowers from my mom’s garden.