Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Humble Mountaineer 1901–1925

Patronage Rock climbing, Protesting, Mountaineering, & Social Reform

Feast Day July 4

Pier Giorgio was a lay Dominican, and was known for being an active person; both physically and socially. He loved mountaineering and rock climbing with his friends, and he took up many social justice issues and public activism causes. One even led to his arrest in Rome. When his dad asked him if he wanted a car or money for graduation, he chose money, and gave it to the poor.

Small Snippet

Blessed Pier Giorgio, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may experience the joy and difficulties of life. That I may become stronger over time through practice, perseverance, and humility.


Artistic Process

This photo was taken of Pier Giorgio as he went rock climbing in cordata a Rocca Sella in 1924.


I got coral bells for my mom for Mother's Day. Similarly to Pier Giorgio, they are unique & robust, but also like him, their time on this earth is cut short, living for only 3-4 years.

Coral Bells

Since Pier Giorgio enjoyed hiking a ton, I went with a blurred rock background image.

Rocks & Watercolor