St. Rosa de Lima
St. Rosa de Lima
Floral Rebel 1586 – 1617
Florists, Creatives, Self-Harm, Bulimia, & Gardeners
Feast Day August 23
Rosa was named Isabella at birth, but was nicknamed Rosa because her parents’ maid told her she was "como una rosa," as beautiful as a rose. Tradition tells that Rosa knelt in prayer outside a convent and couldn’t leave until she promised God she wouldn’t become a sister. She lived a prayerful life as a Lay Dominican instead. To portray her mystical prayers, Rosa created collages, as well as poems and played the guitar.
Small Snippet
Saint Rosa, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may overcome any tendencies to harm myself, and that I may find creative, positive solutions to my issues.

Artistic Process
I took this photo at St. Rose of Lima Parish, Massapequa, NY.
I expected to find a statue, but this mosaic was even better than my expectations.
Mosaic Photo
I took these photos of Roses when I visited Canada last fall. Some were in front of my neighbors house, and the dry flowers were in my host’s bathroom.
This piece was special because my hosts gave the artwork as a gift to their Godchild, Rose.
Rose Photos
Sometimes it’s just a gut feeling. Ya know, I reflected on Rosa’s life as much as I could. Inserting a Daisy in her hands felt like the right thing to do. Just fitting there amongst the roses. Symbolizing her pure soul. That despite her wounds, she could be healed.
Also because she’s the patroness of gardens.
Daisy Significance