St. Teresa of Calcutta

St. Teresa of Calcutta

Saint of the Gutters 1910 – 1997

Patronage World changers, World Youth Day, Missionaries of Charity

Feast Day September 5

Fun Fact

During the First Lebanon War between Israel and Palestine, Mother Teresa was determined to evacuate children from a handicapped hospital in a refugee camp. She was told the Siege of Beirut wouldn't stop, but she prayed. The next day, there was a cease-fire and she was able to relocate the kids to Spring School, which she founded in Beirut.


Saint Teresa, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may trust that if I truly follow God's voice, the door will be opened wherever I'm led.


Artistic Process


I almost always start with a pencil sketch. I researched, meditated on, and pondered Monica’s life as a mother in the third century. Along with the plausible case for her skin color as she was from the North African region.

Of course cases can be made for Monica to have been white, as there were white people living in the region as well. This depiction is how I interpret her through my research.

Inspiration Images

Inspiration is as integral as written research. I can’t magically come up with how a North African woman looks from my imagination so I looked through many images to find what I thought would inform my depiction of Monica best.

Carnation Photo

I stopped by my local church last summer at dusk because I wanted to take photos of the vases of flowers in front of the altar. It was hilarious because as I walked in a large group of people were watching a movie in the partitioned conference room side of the lower chapel.

Carnation Illustration

Carnations symbolize a mother’s eternal love so I thought they were perfect for Monica. She patiently persevered for her son Augustine.

I drew these based off an illustration I found in the Floriography book I own.