St. Thérèse Martin

St. Thérèse Martin

Little Flower of Lisieux

Patronage Florists, Aviators, Gardeners, Missionaries, France, & Carmelite Nuns

Feast Day October 1

Thérèse is a Doctor of the Church. She spoke about how she was a little flower in Jesus‚Äô garden. She believed that we are each a special and integral part of the garden, no matter how large or small. Even when she was stuck doing the dishes, she had this joy. Th√©r√®se lived as a Carmelite nun in Lisieux, France, which she dreamt of doing at a young age.

Small Snippet

Saint Thérèse, intercede to the Holy Ghost that I may do small, ordinary acts of kindness with great love , that I can be a missionary within the mundane.

Pocket Prayer

Artistic Process

I bought this photo when I visited the actual Basilica of Thérèse in Lisieux, France.

There I visited a museum about her, looking through historical moments in her life, as well as the convent she entered in the town.

The most exciting/surprising part was seeing the tomb of her parents in the lower part of the Basilica. Her parents’ witness inspires me.

Original Photo

I took these photos in Battery Park, New York City during the spring of 2022. I caught up with a friend and took as many photos as I could.

Tulips are a French flower and I chose them to honor Thérèse’s heritage.

Tulip Flower

I took these photos in Boston Summer 2022. It was the first time I had a proper lens and lighting. Petunias are also native to France.

Petunia Flower

I made this first design in October of 2020. Much more simplistic than the current design of her.

Original Design