
Pier Giorgio














«««« Pier Giorgio Catherine Maximilian Agatha «««« Faustina Teresa Claire Francis «««« Anne Martin Charbel Chiara

Search Saints

Listed Below in Alphabetical Order

Agatha of Catania
Agnes of Rome
Alexander of Jerusalem
Angela Merici
Anne and Joachim
Anne Line
Anschar, Scharies
Anthony of Padua

Bernadette Soubirous
Boniface of England
Blaise of Sebastea

Cajetan Di Thiene
Carlo Acutis
Casimir Jagellion
Catherine of Alexandria
Catherine Benincasa
Cecilia of Rome
Charbel Makhlouf
Chiara Luce Badano
Christopher of Lycia
Claire of Assisi
Cosmas & Damian

Denis of Paris
Dominic de Gúzman

Edith Stein
Edward the Confessor
Elisabeth of Hungary
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Elizabeth of the Trinity 
Émilie de Vialar

Faustina Kowalska
Francis de Sales
Francis of Assisi
Francis Xavier
Frédéric Ozanam

Gemma Galgani
Genesius of Rome
George of Lydda
Gianna Molla
Giles the Abbot

Ignacio de Loyola

James the Great
Jane Frances de Chantel
Jean-Baptiste de la Salle
Jean Vianney
Jeanne d'arc
Jesús Méndez-Montoya
John Don Bosco
John Paul II (Pope)
Joseph of Nazareth
Joseph Terror of Demons
Josephine Bakhita
Jude Thaddaeus
Justin of Nablus

Kateri Tekakwitha

Lawrence of Rome
Louis and Zélie Martin

Maria Goretti
Marie Madeleine
Martha of Bethany
Martin de Porres
Maximilian Kolbe
Michael the Archangel
Monica of Hippo

Nathaniel (Bartholomew)
Nicholas of Myra

Óscar Romero
Our Lady of the Rosary

Patrick of Ireland
Philomena of Mugnano
Pier Giorgio Frassati
Pio of Pietrelcina
Polycarp of Smyrna

Robert Bellarmine
Rosa de Lima

Scholastica of Nursia
Sebastian of Rome

Teresa of Ávila
Teresa of Calcutta
Thérèse Martin of Lisieux
Thomas Aquinas
Thomas More

Vincent de Paul

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